As smart as a fox – KnowledgeFox

As smart as a fox – KnowledgeFox

MicroLearning with KnowledgeFox – the most effective and agile way to acquire knowledge. With interactive knowledge cards On all digital devices Personalized for each learner Aligned with business objectives   Small steps MicroLearning means learning in small...

CPL – the Creative Production Line

CPL – the Creative Production Line

Looking for a modern, flexible solution for creating digital learning content? Creative Production Line by Know How! AG, conceptualized and designed by Johannes Schneider, will help you to create outstanding learning experiences for large amounts of content. Please...

I dream of Gini – AR based Training

I dream of Gini – AR based Training

Augmented Reality based assembly training by AR-Experts. Developed with +10 years experience, Only 15 minutes setup time, High learning impact. An Augmented Reality system that works The patent pending technology Gini, which is already productiv in the automotive...

Looking for a partner?

Looking for a partner?

Are you looking for a partner? Maybe we'll match up? We are looking for partners who help us to produce and deliver highly innovative digital learning. if you are interested, please contact